Wed, 14 Feb 2024
This year, Ash Wednesday is on Feb. 14, coinciding with Valentine's Day. This marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting and prayer in preparation for Easter, which is on March 31 this year.Ash Wednesday is a significant religious observance for Christians worldwide, as it serves as a time for spiritual introspection and a way to connect with God through communal prayer and fasting. It is observed about six weeks before Easter Sunday, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Ash Wednesday is observed by many Western Christian churches. This includes, among others, the Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches. Certain days in the liturgical year are designated as holy days of obligation by the Catholic Church. These are days on which the faithful are required to attend Mass. These are days of feasting, however. Because Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and penance rather than feasting, it is not a holy day of obligation, and the faithful are not required to attend Mass on this day. Regardless, often more faithful attend Mass on Ash Wednesday than on any other non-Sunday or non-obligatory holy day.
However, for eastern Christian churches, Ash Wednesday is not the start of Lent. Instead, it begins on the Monday of the seventh day before Easter. Since Ash Wednesday does not mark the start of the season known as Great Lent, eastern churches do not observe it.