why giving will make your life rich in 2024, what people are saying.

1. Jay I started giving my tithes when I was still a student. My allowance that time wasn’t that big but I was in faith that God will increase it. The next month my allowance doubled. Thus, my tithes increased as well. The next month it doubled again. I decided to give more than 10% as an offering and the increase of my monthly allowance didnt stop. I was able to start a small business at 19 yrs old because of God’s provision and faithfulness. I even asked my parents to stop giving my monthly allowance because blessings were coming left and right. I was able to pay for my tuition fee to finish my last two years in college. God was so faithful even to this very moment. 2. Lee Started tithing faithfully around 4 years ago, and I have tested how true God’s promises were when you stand in faith and give back to him what is His. Since then I have been promoted at work, bought a new house, bought a new car. God said I would never lack for any good thing, and this has been true for me and my family, financially. I remember reading something in the Bible that said when God blesses it would be so much that you wouldn’t have enough space for it – I can attest that this is true, I got to a point where I had no more space at home to put everything, that I had to give a lot away! He blesses the work of my hands, so much that I find favor at work. All my bills are paid. I also have the privilege of blessing others. I started tithing at the thousands, based on my net income. My husband and I have since moved to tithing on our gross income, and God has promoted, even my tithing, even at the hundred thousands. It used to be hard to give it back to God, but as we started doing it faithfully, grace abounded so that even if I drop in P100,000, all I feel is joy at obeying God. I thank the Lord for putting me in the situation wherein I can show my love for Him by obeying Him. Thanks for letting me share my experiences I pray that God continue be glorified! 3. Barbie Hi Pastor. Your question is quite apt for what I experienced just last month. I have been a Christian for over 3 years, but tithing is one of my biggest challenges as my salary starts to increase. I work as a Director for Operations in a major callcenter, and tithing 10% would already equate to a callcenter supervisor’s salary for an entire month. One day, God just decided to help me understand that it’s not about the money (or the Price Tag, to quote the song), and He will provide for me no matter what. I decided to finally give my tithes…and a week after, my boss gave me a 10% increase for no reason! But it didn’t end there. I was being a bit crafty about my tithing, so I would calculate and compute up until the last peso, which technically defeats the purpose of my giving. Again, God spoke to me. He made me realize that He is over my finances, my wealth and all the good things that I have experienced and am experiencing today. He changed my heart and gave me a chance to really be able to give with a generous heart. The week after? My boss promoted me. He did not only give me enough to continue my tithes religiously, he also gave me MORE so that I can be a blessing to others. (Just typing this literally brings tears to my eyes.) My prayer this year is for me to keep on giving, and for God to continue to expand my territory so that I can continue to represent him and rule over my material possessions. 4. Herbert Last February when I became a Christian, I started to tithe. Calculating what I’ve been tithing, the amount pretty much is big and evertime I am tempted to think about that, the Holy Spirit reminds me of the business opportunity that I may start and I am not even financing it. The one who will finance is also a Christian and here’s the clincher, he doesn’t even fully know me and yet, the heart is there to help and the trust is just above and beyond. As I was comparing the capital needed to start the business and the amount that I did tithe, its nothing. My tithing as whole is not even close to 5% of the actual business cost. God is just amazing when He promises to open the heavens and pour out blessing that we may not even be able to contain it. Also, some of us may think that just because we tithe, we should expect something monetary in return but in reality, when God bless us because of our obedience, it comes in a whole lot more that we may not see it such as peace, joy, good health. Come to think of it, you can’t put value to these specially when it comes from God. 5. Chie I have been praying to be debt free and this year (in April) I received an unexpected money which has allowed me to pay (and zero out) my credit card bills and has left me a few money to start my savings and has even allowed e to give to someone who has gone to a mission trip! Really, we cannot outgive God! 6. Ria “Hi Pastor Pao. The very recent event that happened in our family was that my mom got hospitalized for 8days (3 days in the ICU). I remembered your preaching on week 1 about the God’s covenant. And the word of God really gave me and my family strenght to go thru everything. God showed himself so big. He honored His covenant with me. He healed my mom and miracles just happenned. I can share all the details but with all the complications, the list will be very long but bottomline is God and I have a covenant and He honored it. And its not only on healing that God manifested His power, he also provided. God has been training me to be a good Steward, and I always give more than my tithe and has been practicing generosity in little ways that I can. Our hospital bill was huge. The insurance told us that they can only cover 1/5. But on the day of the discharged,God surprised me coz the insurance shouldered more than half. And not only that, the other half is already being shouldered by my stepdad. That was God talaga. He is the only one who can turn the hearts of people. God is just soooo good. He is amazing and He loves me so much. I just want Him to be glorified with this testimony. “ GIVING MAKES US MORE LIKE GOD. “God so loved the world that He gave his one of kind son…” ... GIVING DRAWS US CLOSER TO GOD. ... GIVING IS THE ANTIDOTE TO MATERIALISM. ... GIVING STRENGTHENS OUR FAITH. ... GIVING IS AN INVESTMENT FOR ETERNITY. ... GIVING BLESSES US IN RETURN. ... GIVING MAKES US HAPPY. if this post have bless u make a donation to help others as GOD bless you. make payment to paypal okaagwotu@gmail.com
