Attorney Avenatti pens cryptic tweet praising ‘power of the internet’ after plea for info on Giuliani’s porn habits

what may either be a tease, a taunt or a promise of more to come, the attorney for adult actress Story Daniels praised the “sheer power of the Internet” a mere 24 hours after making a plea on both MSNBC and Twitter for help is exposing former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s pornography preferences.
Appearing on MSNBC’s Am Joy on Saturday, the expansive Michael Avenatti slapped backat President Donald Trump’s legal adviser as cable TV advocate for maligning Daniels because of her profession.
“You know, when Donald Trump was trying to get in the pants of my client, he didn’t tell my client that he disrespected her, or that she wasn’t credible or she wasn’t intelligent,” Avenatti complained. “When Mr. Trump was trying to get in the pants of Ms. McDougal, he didn’t tell her that he disrespected her, that she wasn’t intelligent or that she wasn’t entitled to credibility.”
“I’d like to know the last time Mr. Giuliani viewed pornography,” he continued. “Something tells me it wasn’t years or decades ago. So if there’s anyone in the United States that could help me answer that question, please provide that information to me because I’d like to make it known.”
Sunday afternoon Avenatti linked to his tweet from Saturday that offered confidentiality on any Rudy dirt, which read: “I want to test Mr. Giuliani’s claims of being adamantly against pornography and having no use for adult film stars. If anyone can provide me with any evidence of him voluntarily viewing pornography, I will protect you as a source and publish it. Let’s PROVE the hypocrisy.”
In his latest tweet, the attorney hinted he may have found pay-dirt.
“The sheer power of the Internet and Twitter never ceases to amaze me…” he wrote with the ellipsis promising more to come.
You can see the tweets below: