Brexit now has its own porn parody – and it’s sent the internet into MELTDOWN

The kinky movie dubbed “Hard Brexxxit” shows a leggy model called “Teaser May Not” in some raunchy scenes with a floppy-haired “Tronald Dump”.
The film was made by infamous British porn firm Television X.
The company is famous for its smutty parody flicks.
Brexit Theresa May porn parody Donald Trump sex Television X TELEVISION X
RAUNCHY: The President seems to be having a pretty heated exchange with the PM in this scene
“If I died laughing it was totally worth it”
Twitter user
Past films include Downton Abbey spoof “Down on Abby” and Goggle Box rip “Gobble C****”.
This epic saga follows the exploits of Theresa May as she negotiates with US President Donald Trump.
And some internet users couldn’t believe their eyes.

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One Twitter user said: “Someone has actually made a porn film called, ‘Hard Brexxxit’ Excuse me for a second, but if I died laughing it was totally worth it."
While another tweeted: “At least it's not just 'Brexit : A Porn Parody'. Points for the name.”
May appears in the bold red outfit she wore when she rushed over to the US to flatter Trump after his inauguration.

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And some of the scenes between her and the Donald are extremely NSFW.
“Nooooooo! I feel sick now!” One person said – presumably having seen a clip from the film.
Brexit Theresa May porn parody Donald Trump sex Television X TELEVISION X
CRIKEY: The PM doesn't leave anything to the imagination
Despite appearances for Knickerless Virgin, Nicola Sturgeon, Jizza Cwoarbyn, as Jeremy Corbyn and Gladimhere Putitin, as Vladimir Putin – there were no call ups for Nigel Farage or David Cameron.
“No Nigel Farage character in the Brexit porn parody. Opportunity missed!” One internet user commented.
This film comes after another porn company released a parody film on Donald Trump, starring a male star with small hands
